Saturday, January 7, 2012

Camera Critters Woodpeckers

Meet Willow
We moved the suet feeders up to the deck this winter and I am so glad we did! We've had this pair living on the property for years but they rarely ever got close enough for good photos. 

Since moving the suet feeders Willow has made regular appearances. At first she would fly off at the slightest movement inside the she hangs around. The male has yet to show up when anyone is around to see him...but we do see him hanging out in the trees nearby . Hopefully he will eventually start feeding when I'm around with the camera. 


  1. What a lovely face!

  2. Great shots! I keep looking for this kind of woodpecker, but haven't seen one yet.

  3. Awesome Carol! They are just the most wonderful birds. We love them! They have a lot to say too :)

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