Monday, December 18, 2017

T Stands for Tuesday

Hello my Tuesday Friends! 
It's a good week here with lots of fun things going on for the Holidays and some great news for the family .
We'll do the great news first as I've been waiting weeks for the ok to go public :) 

Bob's son is becoming a parent in May and that's exciting enough on it's own but it's even better cause they are having 
So I'm creating twin art :) 

I tried to do one with a bit more realistic faces but it doesn't click for me...

They are having a boy and a girl . No names on the drawing board yet.... I think they are still in shock :)  
So it's going to be a fun summer for sure ♥ 
We haven't had babies in the family for 11 years. 

I'm keeping busy this week finishing up last minute Christmas gifts and actually tried to make some candy today. We'll just say it's edible... I haven't done any Christmas baking or candy making since 2010 and I'm really out of practice. Also figured out the candy thermometer doesn't work any more.   I'll try again tomorrow and then switch over to the baking.... that I know I can still do ...well maybe. LOL!
I'm using all of my Christmas cups again too. This week it's the big snowman cup
He always makes me smile ♥ 
So that's it for now.... just a few 
Random Thoughts.

....and don't forget to visit the rest of the gang at ...


  1. Oh how very exciting-congratulations all around!! I can see you running out to get new yarns and then knitting away too:) And what wonderful inspiration for your art-love it- and I can feel the happy! Wishing you a happy T day and a very Merry Christmas too!

  2. oh wow congrats on the twins-so fun! you will be busy soon making something special for them what a nice Christmas present for the whole family. have fun with the baking-hugs

  3. Merry Christmas Carol. You sure have some good news with twins coming. That will make the new year very exciting I am sure. Your twin art actually looks pretty fun. Happy T day. Hugs-Erika

  4. How super. What wonderful Christmas news. It's going to be a fun time watching as you plan to spoil those grandchildren even before they are born.

    I love what I could see of your tree, and of course, I always adore your Santa mug. And I think you are preaching to the choir (me) with that last random thought. It is practically my motto.

    Thanks for sharing your good news, your art, and your Santa mug and coffee with us for T this Tuesday.

  5. Congratulations, that's wonderful news indeed, love the twin art, too. Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

  6. Thats wonderful news for you and the family. Your twins painting is real sweet. I think you will be having a busy New Year.
    Happy T day and Holiday wishes.
    Yvonne xx

  7. Such wonderful news, many congratulations! What fun to have twins too and your artwork is beautiful 😁. Hope you have better luck with the candy and baking tomorrow 😉. I love your random thought selection today, thanks for the smiles! Wishing you much happiness this T Day and a very Merry Christmas to you and yours! J 😊 x

  8. Twins! Congratulations all 'round! I love that snowman cup. I like having a few season-specific mugs, and snowmen are so much fun. I hope your candy-making goes well :) Happy T Tuesday

  9. My goodness Carol congratulations!!! Twins!! What fun! We will have a baby in the family come May too... but the parents are very anti posting on the internet so i don't get to have fun... :(Its so very difficult not to post anything about it so i know how hard it must have been for you to wait for the all

    Love your snowman mug and your drawings... A very merry Christmas to you and your family !! Happy T day! Hugs! deb

  10. How exciting, Carol! Congratulations!! I can imagine the parents' shock that it will be twins. Their first time and they hit a double!! It sounds like they will have lots of support though.

    I like the moon-faced twins drawing better too. The faces convey whimsy and magic, as does this announcement.

    I've never had success making candy, except fudge. Does that count? Nah. But I love to bake and hope to start my Christmas cookie baking marathon tomorrow!

    Happy T-days! Hugs, Eileen

  11. Congratulations! It's going to be fun! It is nice to see the snowman cup. I am not a baker or candy maker but Mom used to make the best fudge and she made awesome Heavenly Hash at Christmas! I know you are going to be knitting away... enjoy the thoughts of twins this holiday season!

  12. What fabulous news! I used to make fudge a lot but haven't made any for a while despite requests from my boys! Maybe I'll surprise them this Christmas!! Have a wonderful Christmas! Belated Happy T day! Chrisx

  13. Congratulations on the twins how fun itcwill be! My daughter has a set of twin nephews we just adore them so fun! Your twin art is so aweome too!

    Peace Giggles
