Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Blooming Tuesday

We had a couple of days of nicer weather recently and then the heat returned :(  It's getting harder to find decent blooms to photo every week.

here's another group of butterfly weed that doesn't seem to mind the heat at all...

....some of the Sunflowers are still hanging in there....

..the shade garden is hanging on ...but even it is starting to show signs of stress...

... I lost most of my Cannas this year....don't know if the cold wet spring did them in or what.... this is the only surviver ...

.....most of the day lilies are gone but this one always blooms later and helps keep that part of the yard pretty.... I have plans to dig up the day lily garden and divide everything this year and I'll have to remember to spread these around so they are in the whole bed instead of just one part of it...

...the Mexican Sunflowers are just filling out and they definitely don't mind the hot dry weather we are having...they are beautiful and huge!!...

...the BLANKET Flowers haven't been as full this year either but the ones I do have are very pretty so I guess the plants are just conserving energy by only produces a small amount of blooms this year. 
With all of this heat I know I haven't had the energy to do much at all. Including posting here :(  The weeds are going strong ...funny how they don't seem to mind the heat and dry at all either... and I don't have the energy to get rid of them. 
Hopefully things will get back to normal soon... well maybe not normal cause August is normally hot and unbearable :( 
Linking to....


  1. Carol, I know what you mean about the heat. The blooms that you do have are bright and cheery. Jean

  2. You do have some beautiful flowers, even if it is a horrible growing year. We got some rain Sunday, but not nearly enough. I LOVE that Mexican Sunflower. Sorry about the songs, but I got tired of my page taking so long to load and removed the darn thing. ;)

  3. I think you have some wonderful flowers even in the heat! I wouldn't worry too much about the one canna....I'm thinking they always come back and multiply. I hope yours do. I didn't participate in Bloomin Tuesday this week; maybe next time.

  4. Hey, that looks like a lot of blooms to me. All my blooms are burnt around the edges.

  5. I only took pics of the good ones....believe me there are some crispy critters out there:(

  6. It was a great year for the butterfly weed on the locals prairies. They seem to thrive in the heat and stand out so beautifully.

  7. Yes, it's been hot here, too. I have managed to work an hour or two each morning, as I don't work in the summers. I come in dripping wet, and I don't normally sweat much. Today was the first day in 2 weeks that didn't get over 90, and I thought I'd be out longer, but it was so humid, that I ran out of energy even sooner than I have been.

    I love that daylily. It's nice to have some that bloom later than the others. I like your idea of spreading it around.

    Do you have monarchs on your Mexican sunflowers? I plant these for them, but only one is doing well and blooming right now. I have seen monarchs on it, as well as some of the other blooms.

  8. I have to get some of those Mexican sunflowers, Carol. They are always good in the heat!
