Tuesday, March 12, 2019

T Stands for Tuesday

Hello my Tuesday Friends!!!
I know I have been missing in action again the past few weeks and I'm sorry. I miss coming here to visit with everyone but I think I will missing more than present for quite a while. Things are still Topsy Turvy here,

Hubby has recovered from his thyroid surgery and is back to work now but still on limited duties because of his back injury. His company has finally agreed to send him to see a surgeon for one visit and then they will review his report. 😒😒😒😒
Dad is still hanging in there...good one and then not so good the next. Nothing serious for a while now that is good. 
My sister is going to Colorado this and will be gone for 2 weeks. My nephew and his wife will be staying with my parents. I wanted to go up and stay but my back is still out too and I wouldn't be able to help at all.
They do have regular day help coming in now so everything should be covered. 
My sister definitely needs the break from everything and I hope she has great weather for her trip. 

Once again I am reusing a drink photo. This one to celebrate the fact that Spring is only 8 Days away. Hopefully the Spring weather will show up soon too. 
It was so cold last week we actually had Bluebirds at our sunflower seed feeders on the deck. Very unusual for them to do that. They tend to stay out in the wooded areas and prefer thistle seeds or meal worms. I took so pictures with my cell phone so they aren't the greatest.

The Blackbirds have returned from where ever they go for the winter too.
You can see on sitting on the deck post in the last Bluebird picture. 
Of course all of the woodpeckers have been hanging out too.

I missed getting a picture of a couple of the other breeds of woodpeckers that show up. 
All of the other types of birds are still hanging out and the Gold Finch have started getting a bit of their bright yellow Summer color showing :)
Here are a couple of random thoughts for this week...

Thanks for stopping by!!! 


  1. Hope things soon get easier for you all. Love the bird photos. Hugs, Valerie

  2. Wishing you all better days ahead Carol. Great bird pics- oh those bluebirds are so pretty! I just saw our first group of robins in my yard yesterday:) And now I'm seeing finches too so Spring just has to be around the corner. be well, and happy T day!

  3. I hope the coming days will be calmer for you, it sounds like you could do with a restful time.
    The bird photos looked lovely, lets hope spring is on its way.
    Happy T day wishes.
    Yvonne xx

  4. Wow! It certainly sounds like your household is having their share of health issues. I hope that you are all recovering and back to health soon. In the meantime, watching those beautiful bluebirds and woodpeckers looks like a wonderful way to relax. I bet their colors are much more vibrant in person.
    Happy Tea Day,

  5. Your life sounds crazy and I hope it settles down for you soon. I've had to deal with my mom lately and it is hard. But I really love your photo photos. Oh the bluebirds are amazing. I saw my first flock of them just a few weeks ago. Hope it was a wonderful T day. Hugs-Erika

  6. oh wow hope everyone starts feeling better soon-down with back issues is horrible-I have gone through that. glad your sister will get some time off for herself a bit.
    loved seeing all the birds too-hugs
    Happy T hugs Kathy

  7. Sounds like you have been through the wringer, hope all gets better soon. It is nice to see bluebirds, and our suet feeder is getting a workout too.

  8. I'm sorry about all your family's health issues.

    We don't get the variety of birds that you do. What fun watching them at your feeders! Happy T Day

  9. I'm sorry to hear about all those health issues. Heath is such a precious thing. And then the worry about older parents...
    I enjoyed seeing all those birds. Fab! It's so good that you feed them. Poor things.
    Happy (belated) T-Day,

  10. I'm so glad you dropped by for T, Carol. Such a tough time for you and the family. My heart goes out to you. Good luck with the back surgeon. I hope s/he can do something that will help your husband.

    Happy T-day! Eileen xx

  11. I do hope that things become easier all round for you, you've been having a tough time! Of course I am loving seeing those birds! Thank you so much for sharing these photos, I hope watching them relaxes you just as the ones at our caravan give me a chance to pass the time quietly! Take Care! Happy T Day! Chrisx

  12. I'm sorry there are health problems going on. Lovely bird photos. Wonderful inspiration words.
